Life Insurance Dividends (Terms Explained)

Life insurance dividends are a return on your annual premium payment. Unlike dividends on stock market investments, life insurance dividends are not taxable and can be used in a variety of ways. You may already receive an annual dividend check from your insurer if you have whole life insurance. Policyholders can also apply dividends to…

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What is adverse selection in insurance?

The definition of adverse selection in insurance refers to the idea that insurers are more likely to attract customers with a higher probability of making a claim. In this article, we’ll explore what adverse selection is, why it’s important for consumers and insurers alike, life insurance for high-risk individuals, and how it can be mitigated….

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How much does a $100,000 life insurance policy cost?

If you need affordable life insurance, a $100,000 policy provides plenty of coverage at a low monthly rate. It’s enough to pay for funerary services and settle any minor debts you leave behind after your passing. You can also earn 10%-25% interest on your monthly payments if you buy a permanent policy. Life insurance rates…

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Life Insurance for Disabled Veterans [2025]

Numerous service members have life insurance policies in effect, and those who leave the military have several alternatives for keeping their coverage in place. Veterans can choose between changing their Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) policy to a Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) policy, buying life insurance for disabled veterans from a private insurer, or…

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Per Stirpes vs. Per Capita: What is the difference?

You probably don’t know these terms offhand, but if you’re looking to set up a last will and testament or living trust, they’ll become familiar in no time. Per stirpes and per capita don’t affect your policy while it’s in force. Rather, these common life insurance terms have everything to do with your beneficiaries and…

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Modified Whole Life Insurance Explained

There are a lot of types of insurance available, and some types have seemingly long, complicated names such as modified premium whole life insurance. Let’s break down this type of life insurance and answer some questions you may have about it. Modified whole life insurance is a popular type of life insurance that offers you…

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