Do life insurance companies test for drugs?

Do life insurance companies test for drugs? That’s a question many potential policyholders are asking. And the answer is yes — life insurance companies test for drugs to determine if they will provide coverage.  This testing can include prescription and illicit substances. If they find any of these in your system, it can result in…

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Does your job affect your life insurance?

Does your job affect your life insurance? It may seem like an odd question. After all, we often think of life insurance as personal and separate from our work, but the reality is that one’s chosen profession can impact their coverage meaningfully.  Insurance companies will classify some jobs as more “hazardous” than others, and those…

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Accelerated Death Benefit Rider Explained

Not sure if an accelerated benefit provision is right for you and need an accelerated death benefit rider explained so you can decide whether to include it? Basically, an accelerated benefits provision is a benefit that clients can add to their life insurance policy. It gives clients cash advances if they are diagnosed with a…

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What is the waiting period for life insurance?

What is the waiting period for life insurance? Unlike auto insurance, most life insurance policies don’t go into effect immediately. The best life insurance companies want to assess how much of a risk you are to insure, so your insurer will thoroughly assess your health before calculating a rate and assigning you a policy. The…

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Life Insurance for Families [2025]

If you’re shopping for life insurance for families, you may be curious about how to filter through the countless family life insurance plans. The best way to approach family life insurance policies is to determine what you need before shopping for coverage. The nature of your family, your needs, and those of your dependents will…

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How to File a Complaint Against a Life Insurance Company [2025]

The process of filing a complaint against a life insurance company can be daunting for many people. With the increasing complexity of regulations and laws, it is important to understand exactly how to take action if you feel you have been wronged or mistreated by a life insurance company. You can file a complaint against…

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